KreativeHive vs HubSpot
See why 60,000+ Agencies and Over 1.2M+ Small Businesses Choose KreativeHive.
Why Choose KreativeHive 360’s Over HubSpot?
Built For Agencies Agencies
KreativeHive simplifies everything. Plus, a lot of features that come standard on KreativeHive would require an extra app (and more money) on HubSpot.
HubSpot works great if you are certified or if you hired a HubSpot certified partner for thousands of dollars to set up the platform for you. If not, you aren’t making the most use of HubSpot.
Advanced Sales & Marketing Functionality in One Platform
KreativeHive has it all – from capturing leads via landing pages, forms, calendars, or inbound phone calls to messaging leads via calls, SMS, emails, Messenger, then closing leads with our built-in tools for payments and analytics (including call tracking).
You can also create landing pages, webinar funnels, set up automated follow-up campaigns, and schedule appointments all without leaving KreativeHive.
Gain 2-Way SMS Features
In HubSpot, you can only send broadcast SMS messages. KreativeHive makes it easy to send and receive not only sms messages from leads and customers, but also Facebook messages, Instagram DMs, Google Business messages, and NOW Whatsapp messages.
Build Your Own SaaS Revenue Stream
Create your own SaaS features and pricing plans within KreativeHive’s no-code drag and drop interface.
You also have full control over the look and feel. This means you can create sticky SaaS revenue streams for your agency, and configure pricing for your agency’s customers based on credits, usage/metered-based, and even free trials.
Designed for Teams
It is simple to collaborate with your team in KreativeHive, and training a new hire is a breeze. Our customers routinely tell us that new employees are up and running in under an hour. With Hubspot, the learning curve is much bigger.
24/7 Customer Support
Get fast, friendly, and helpful replies whenever you need help by email / chat. We also offer concierge migrations as well as a large, free Facebook community.
KreativeHive Gives You All of the Features Your Agency Needs at a Fraction of the Cost
Predictable Pricing
With KreativeHive, pricing starts at $97 per month. In contrast, HubSpot is designed for businesses with big budgets and large teams, not specifically for agencies. To get the most out of HubSpot, you need to be spending at least $800 per month.
All-In-One Software
Save time and control expenses with one tool that handle your agency’s needs. Whereas, HubSpot is a platform with a huge marketplace of adjacent apps. This means that the bigger you get, the more apps along with custom integrations you’ll likely need – this means more $$$.
Easy To Implement
KreativeHive is also much easier to set up and use. Plus, you don’t need to spend tens of thousands of dollars and months of time on a custom migration or custom integrations like you have to do on HubSpot.